Miss someone -.- keBOSANan datanggg ~
Hello comel comel , I'm MekNa merapuuu ~ muah :*
Nah nah ! sayang bushukkkk yang sedangg MENG-ushaaa blog titew yang manayk bushukk nihhh >< bacoo ahhh hang ! , tknak pung sokayyy :) tkpntingg punggg xD
hunney , miss you much . sorry tak text hun , kedit takdee ahh >< adeee bapee sen jeh tuhhh haa ~ nak tgokks nak tgoksss ? xDDD sattt ehhh , -----___>><<<< ---- alahhhh ! takpayah lewwww , comel sangattt sen yang tinggal tuhhh <3 hmmmm hun buat apaaa buat apooo ? dah tidurrr keww belomss toeee ? ushaaa sikessss _____>>>> ototohhh comel nyeeee dia tidoeeee <3 comel sangatttt ~ tidoeee leklok kayyy , jangan notty notty :D nanti kanggg jatuh pulak dari katil tuhh , HAHA kay kay ngarottsss sudahhh :)
boiiiii hunney , good nitezzz , cweet deyemmm -.- loveyou missyou muah muah :*
Thanks for reading :)
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Le Direct-or
Hello Earthlings! im human just like you~
Short Biodata
Name: Nur Qistina Known as: Qistina/Qis Age: 16 years youngStat: PenangCountry: MalaysiaFav. Colours: Black, Blue, and Soft PinkLanguage: Malay and EnglishHobby: blogging, Sleeping, Eating Fav Quotes: It's so fluffy i'm gonna die!
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♥ Eating♥ Blogging♥ One D♥ Chocolates♥ Ice Cream♥ Galaxy Tabby♥ Spongebob Squarepants♥ Black+White♥ Sleeping♥ Natural Beauty
✖ Anons, Haters, Copypasters✖ Liars✖ Snails and all animals that dont have backbones✖ Make up✖ High heels

Miss someone -.- keBOSANan datanggg ~
Hello comel comel , I'm MekNa merapuuu ~ muah :*
Nah nah ! sayang bushukkkk yang sedangg MENG-ushaaa blog titew yang manayk bushukk nihhh >< bacoo ahhh hang ! , tknak pung sokayyy :) tkpntingg punggg xD
hunney , miss you much . sorry tak text hun , kedit takdee ahh >< adeee bapee sen jeh tuhhh haa ~ nak tgokks nak tgoksss ? xDDD sattt ehhh , -----___>><<<< ---- alahhhh ! takpayah lewwww , comel sangattt sen yang tinggal tuhhh <3 hmmmm hun buat apaaa buat apooo ? dah tidurrr keww belomss toeee ? ushaaa sikessss _____>>>> ototohhh comel nyeeee dia tidoeeee <3 comel sangatttt ~ tidoeee leklok kayyy , jangan notty notty :D nanti kanggg jatuh pulak dari katil tuhh , HAHA kay kay ngarottsss sudahhh :)
boiiiii hunney , good nitezzz , cweet deyemmm -.- loveyou missyou muah muah :*
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