Forever Young

Akhirnyeee :D
Wednesday, 11 January 2012 ? 0 Atashinchi ?

I'm Nur Sharlyana Amira Binti Noor Aris :) Just call me Lyana kayy ? or whatever you wanna to call lah :P btw , my friends call me MekNa :DD HAHA , kampung ? takkesahh lahh , asalkan titeww bahagia :DD pfffftttttt , today kan ? mathematics teacher's not comming , why ? don't know lahhh :PP so , mathematics sikesss punn taksentohh lagiee kay ? takbelajarr pun lagiee tajokk Form 3 -.- eeeeeeeee teacher nihh kan , cubitss baru tahu :PP orang tengah excited nak belajarr Mathematics nihhh ( :

Apee hentah nama teacherr tuhh , tkingattt :P manataknyee , masuk kelas baru sekaliee kodd . teacher teacher , form 1 and form 2  Lyana never get Mathematics A tahu ? hope , I can focus and understand what are you teaching kayy( : teacher , sorry : ( if Lyana slow sikesss banyahhh -.- Mathematics nihh Lyana memang cenggitu :D If teacher want to angry me , just do kayy ? because that's better :) baruu lahh saya bukakk sikesss mataa nihh en ?

Okay , talking about PMR :D nervous gilaa gilaaa . excited nyee titew bacaa buku Form 3 :P thennnnnn , mama masokkk bilikkk :DD

Mama     : what doing ?
I'm          : reading Form 3 books mama :)
Mama     : Good ! that's lah mama wants . BERSEMANGAT :D
I'm          : HAHA kann ? BERSEMANGATTT :PP
Mama     : make sure , PMR you can score many A kayy ?
I'm          : Errrrrrr -.- InsyaALLAH mama ( : I'll get the best result , I'll make you proud with me.
Mama     : -SMILE- so how much you score ?
I'm          : Actually , I'm wanna get straight A . but , I'm not confident lahh mama :( now , I'm score 6A 2B .   
Mama     : Okay , but why have 2B ? 
I'm          : Because I'm not sure I can get A Sejarah and Geografi :( you know right ? I'm really don't like that subject :) I'll try =
Mama     : Okay , Lyana belajar betol-betol kayy ? 
I'm          : -SMILE- kayyy mama , mama if I get the best result . can you buy for me new fon ? # lagiee canggih dariee aderk punyaaaaa ! 
Mama     : Haaaaa , dapattkan result yang bagus dulu :P

Ngehhhhhhh ~ okay prettay , handsome , cute miute all ~ I'm wanna to sleep , 3.02 a.m sudahhhh . tomorrow school and to wake up at 5.00 a.m :( 2 hours jehh lagiee boleh tidur nihhh -.- kbhoiiiiiiiiiiii boboi , bhoiiiiiigurl , reading my new post kayyy nanti nanti :PP 

# semoga esuk akan jadie hari yang bermakna , penuh dengan suka sukaaa , sentiase buat titew TERsenyummmm :) okayyy , SMILE everybody  ( : peaceeeee ! gtttgttggttt # englishberteraborrr , biasa lah budak baru belajarrrr :D D

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// Forever Young-One Direction